Pictures through Time

Aug. 27, 2024

The Sangudo Library has become home to some photographs that will take you down memory lane.

During the winter months, the Sangudo High School has made itself some storage space by bringing all the class photos to us. These are the large framed collages of graduation or class photos going back decades. The earliest is from 1956. Were you a student here? Was your parent? Possibly your grandparent? We might have yours!

While the history of these images is not replaceable, the photos themselves are. After a fashion.  In an attempt to provide easy viewing, our lovely librarian, has been constructing booklets of the pictures.

We have Digitalized them in the most analog way of simply taking a photograph of the framed work.

These photos will be reprinted on a smaller scale in the form of binders, much like a yearbook. Our goal is to have the classes eventually in some sort of order based on year.

Many hours have gone into this project. Over time, the labels of the class photos have faded. We have had relabel most of them. This means time spent searching for the correct person or name. If you wish to assist with this work, please contact the library.

Once done the booklets will be in the library available as in house use. You make come by and pursue them. Revive your youth as you remember friends and faces from the past. Or perhaps you are working on your family history; some of these names reappear.